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The Non-Reds Frankenset: Cards #343 - 378

Delivery Time! Trade with Paul from Carl Crawford Cards

I recently completed my second trade with Paul from Carl Crawford Cards. The first trade revolved around me giving an Allen & Ginter sketch card and some Tampa Bay Rays and me receiving a bunch of 1985 Topps cards.

This latest trade? I sent Paul a Melvin Mora '09 Goudey relic and a Carl Crawford mini card...and in return? That's right, another stack of 1985 Topps cards! It's a good thing for me that I keep getting cards that Paul wants since he seems to have a never ending stack of '85 Topps cards that I need!

Here are some of my favorites...

A checklist as a favorite?! Yep - because when I was a kid I used checklists as *gasp* checklists. Which means when I go back and try to fill in any missing holes, the completionist in me wants all those half-filled, marked up checklists out of the binder and replaced by fresh, crisp cards like the one above.
The 1985 Topps set isn't exactly chock full of great cards worth oodles of dollars. However, there are some pretty darn good players in the set, even if it is considered a "junk wax" set. The Schmidt card above is a great example of a nice card in an overproduced set.
Tom Brookens - a friend of mine (who passed away a few years ago) used to coach Mr. Brookens so he has a soft spot in my collecting heart as well!
Woah, that's not a "junk wax" card! That's a super thick, shiny parallel card from Bowman Heritage. I think there is a card like this produced for each card in that set - but I can't imagine putting the entire set together in a binder, it'd need to be extra-thick and would probably weigh a ton!

Thanks a lot Paul! And, as always, if anyone else would like to work out a trade, check out my want list and make an offer.


  1. Awesome! Glad you liked the cards.

  2. Nice stuff. I agree about the checklists. I did the same thing. UGH the things we do as kids.


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