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The Non-Reds Frankenset: Cards #343 - 378

Happy New Year's Eve! (2 Packs for your Viewing Pleasure)

Tonight's the big night - the final night of 2013.  I hope your 2013 was a good one!  For my wife and I, we had a fairly uneventful 2013, though I would say it was the year of the wedding.  Between the two of us, we had five family members and friends tie the knot - which meant wayyyy too many trips where I had to wear a tie.

Luckily, there's no wedding for us to attend tonight - so it's party on!  While we still have a bit of time in the year, I figured I'd bust two more of the 1998 Fleer Sports Illustrated packs.

Pack 13:
9.  Jay Bell
81.  Kenny Lofton
108.  Ivan Rodriguez
180.  Eddie Murray & Brett Butler

182.  Curt Schilling

Mini poster:
30.  Roger Clemens

That wasn't a great pack seeing as how I've already pulled both the Schilling and the Bell cards earlier in the box.  At least the mini poster was new (even if it was Clemens - yuck)!

Pack 14:
13.  Barry Bonds
70.  Brian Jordan
107.  Henry Rodriguez
123.  Larry Walker
186.  Francisco Cordova & Ricardo Rincon

Mini poster:
20.  Bernie Williams

The mini poster showcases another one of the rather strange photos that Fleer used in the set.  The Cordova/Rincon card celebrates the Pirates' ten-inning no-hitter over Houston.  Each card is cool in its own way I guess!  The downside to the pack is that I once again got a pair of duplicates (despite being nowhere near done with the base set).  This time, it's Henry Rodriguez and Larry Walker who make their second appearance in the box.

Happy New Year everyone!  Stay safe, have fun, and most importantly - stay safe (it bears repeating)!


  1. If you end up with a dupe of that Murray/Butler card, save it for me.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Ohh After that Bernie Williams mini-poster I understand why his cards usually show him with such a suffering face..


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