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The Non-Reds Frankenset: Cards #379 - 414

Trade Stack Success!

Not all that long ago, I put up a Trade Stack that ended up getting claimed by blog reader Ken.  Ken offered me up a bunch of Barry Larkin cards in exchange for the pile - and that was good enough for me!

In total, Ken sent along 12 Larkins - can you figure out all 12 sets from the scan?!  Not every card was new to me (in fact, I think only two were actually new but I'll let you guess which two those were for now).  As for the Trade Stack, it's still going strong (here's a link to my current Stack which I began with a buyback card).

Thanks a lot to Ken for checking out (and claiming) my recent Trade Stack.  I know that my want list is getting smaller and smaller (and thus harder and harder to find matches) but with the release of 2021 Allen & Ginter soon my want list will grow once again!


  1. If it's the same Ken I'm thinking of he's been very generous. I'm going to guess the new to you Larkins are SI for Kids and the Pacific checklist?


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