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TCDB: Can I Ever Get Rid of 18,384 cards?!

Nachos Grande Gets a Big Pile of Bipped!

Back when I first started blogging, Matt from Heartbreaking Cards was super kind and overly generous in sending me two packages of cards I wanted for free. I thought that was amazing and really provided the proof that the baseball card blogging world is completely different than the cut-throat, cheating, scamming* baseball eBay world...
*yes, I'm bitter.

Once I got my blogging under control, I managed to return the favor twice with a pair of packages containing cards off his want list. I was rather certain he'd appreciate the cards and I knew that I owed him for his earlier kindness. At that point, it seemed that everything was even Steven...

And then, just like that, the entire blog trading process was dealt a big, fat grenade of Bip-ness...

Tick, Tick, Boom.

Oh but that wily Matt wasn't mean about it...no, not at all. In fact, he was condescendingly nice - he even gave me a second sticky note saying "here ya go, have fun, and oh yeah, there's a Bip-trap just waiting for you*" just in case I didn't believe the first note.
*or something like that, I don't know. I don't like to read...I do math remember?

And so it was.

Matt did throw in some other cards though, you know, cards I actually wanted - mostly Reds from the 80s and 70s (extra cool since I own embarrassingly few 1970s cards). He also through in a slick, shiny Aaron Harang card (which I blame for distracting me from the Bip-ness that *ooh, shiny* ... where was I?)

Finally, Matt threw in three Barry Larkins, and somehow, I didn't own any of them before - so that's extra awesome...each of them will get their own Barry Larkin Collection post in the future so I won't spoil the surprise. I will, however, show some of my favorites amongst the "other" Reds that I got with the Bipness.

And thus, I will begrudgingly thank you Matt for that package of poo (with a side of awesome). And yes, revenge shall be mine - but in the true spirit of Bipping, I won't take it out on the guy who got me...oh no, that wouldn't be fair.

Watch out blogging world, this Bipping just got personal - and you might be next.
