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TCDB: Can I Ever Get Rid of 18,384 cards?!

Delivery Time! Back in the Trading Saddle with Collector's Crack and a Real MLB Game!

Hi everyone, I've missed you! 

My little baby is taking up almost all of my free time but I think my wife and I are starting to get into a bit of a more comfortable routine.  In fact, things have been going well enough lately that I was able to take my dad to the Reds/Pirates game in Pittsburgh for Father's Day. 

We had great seats along the first base line (row 1) and got to witness an amazing play by Billy Hamilton in the field (plus a Reds' win which was awesome).  The only bad news about all that was that I got some sort of terrible sun poisoning...it has HOT that day!

I should also give the Reds credit for signing autographs for the kids on Sunday.  In total, I witnessed five different Reds signing for the kids including the aforementioned Billy Hamilton.  I'm not an autograph hound so I didn't even try to get one (I didn't bring any sort of pen or ball or baseball cards) but it was fun to watch the kids get all excited.

Now that the big trip is over with, I am hoping to slowly get back into my various hobbies.  I have been playing my PS4 late at night while the baby sleeps (mostly Fortnite and Assassin's Creed if you were wondering) but now it's time to dive back into the baseball cards as well.

For today's post, I'm pleased to show off the highlights of a swap I made with Mark over at Collector's Crack.  About a month ago, Mark showed off his end of the trade - but he hadn't sent my end yet so I'm not that far behind in my posting of the contents of the envelope!

Mark sent me a few assorted Reds cards including this rather awesome Drew Stubbs triple relic/auto card.

I don't Stubbs (he wasn't a Red for all that long) but I can admit that this is a nice looking card - especially that left-most patch (it's some raised red stitching).

Mark also sent me a pair of interesting insert cards featuring the Reds.  The first also features a Padre (of all teams) but I'll forgive it since it's a new Ken Griffey, Jr. card for my collection.

The final card of note is another insert, this one featuring only Reds though.

It's interesting to me that this is a Donruss product (hence the inclusion of Pete Rose) but also that there are all sorts of official team logos present.  Maybe Donruss could do that back in 2008 when this card was produced?  I don't know the legalities of the card...but I do know that it's a very cool card commemorating one of the best baseball teams of all time!

Thanks for the trade, Mark!  And thanks to all of you for sticking with my blog through its rather quiet times.  The whole not posting every day is something that is taking some getting used to for me...but hopefully it will mean better post quality coming from me in the long run. 


  1. Yes, 2010 was the first year Topps had the exclusive on logos.

  2. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog reading, but found a little time to read through your posts. Thanks for the shout out and I'm glad you liked the card. I know you've become a little more refined in what you like to collect Reds wise so I was hoping I had something you'd like. Plus I like sending cards to good homes. And I hear you about the finding time with a newborn. I ended up watching most of the Clone Wars on Netflix when my son was born I did the night shift a lot of nights that first couple months.


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