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Barry Larkin Collection 823: 1990 Star Nova - #104

Barry Larkin
Brand:  Star Nova
Card number:  104

The 1990 Star Nova set had a total of nine Barry Larkin cards included in it - cards #100 - 108.  Unfortunately, I don't (yet?) own all nine cards but I do own a few of them (I showed off card #100 earlier this year).  Today, we look at the next card sequentially that I do own, card #104.

Card 104 continues the breakdown of Barry's 1989 MLB season.  I must say that I do like the photo choice for the front of the card, even if the image seems little too dark for my taste.  It's certainly a more unique image as compared to many of the Barry Larkin cards in my collection!

I still have a couple more cards from this set to show off - and then it's off to try and track down the remaining missing members of the set!  
