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The Non-Reds Frankenset: Cards #379 - 414

Merry Christmas!

For the first time in my life, I'm hosting my family Christmas at my house this year.  That means I'm in charge of the meals, the entertainment, etc.!  Luckily, I do enjoy hosting - especially when there is food involved so I'm looking forward to the festivities.  

My menu for tonight's dinner is going to be ham (grilled on the rotisserie outside), parmesan mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, a green salad, and perhaps one or two other dishes if I find the time/energy to prepare them.  I've also got brunch ready to go (made ahead of time - all I need to do is pop it in the oven) while we open gifts and hang out in the morning.  

I can only hope that your holiday is as merry and fun as mine promises to be - so Merry Christmas (and in the interest of not having a post without a photo I'll leave you with a shot of my LEGO winter village that I set up back in November for my son to play with)!


  1. Merry Christmas! Love the LEGO village.

  2. Merry Christmas, Chris!

  3. Merry Christmas! We do lasagna every year.

  4. Love the winter village! Your Christmas dinner sounds delicious. My friend made prime rib, but I ended up having an upset stomach so I didn't eat anything. Luckily... she packed me a to-go meal, so I'll enjoy it tomorrow. Merry Christmas!


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