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Cincinnati Struggles (this time it's the NFL team)

As you know I love my Cincinnati Reds (although not as much lately). What you may not know is that I dislike the Cincinnati Bengals (I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers fan)...

Thus, today was a great day for me for a number of reasons:

1. The Bengals stunk it up against Baltimore. In fact, to quote Carson Palmer:

“We got outplayed,” he said. “It was just an ugly game offensively. When
you score three points, it’s never good. And our three points were on a
two-minute drive. It’s a sick feeling, and it’s going to feel even sicker when
we watch the film.”

2. Chad Johnson (sorry Ocho Cinco, or 8 5...not eighty-five like he probably meant) was denied the "right" to wear his Ocho Cinco name on his jersey for the game. It appears that Reebok wasn't keen on having a huge stash of "old" jerseys with his boring Johnson moniker on it sitting in some warehouse for eternity.

3. My Steelers dismantled the Texans in a game that was remarkable easy with a brutally efficient offense. The Steelers win, coupled with Penn State's huge win over Oregon State yesterday, allowed me to have a great weekend of football.

4. Not that it matters, but my Reds won two out of three against the Cubs, furthering their fans' frustrations and, at the same time, tempting Fox to talk about goats and curses again.



  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    steelers did indeed, rip it up!!

    as for Cincy, johnson gets no love from this philly chick, i think he's a boil on the ass of your team. he made such a mockery of that team over the off season. he should be sitting on the bench.

    give palmer some love, he's had to put up with alot of crap in the off season ;0 !!

  2. Tough start for the Bengals. I think it's ridiculous Chad Johnson can't use his last name on his jersey. If he changed it for religious reasons there is no way they would not allow it.

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    chad wearing his Johnson name is payback Lester, for the bullshit he caused all off season. talk about karma biting one in the ass~can ya blame them for not wanting his old jersey layin around?

    having lived through the TO era in philly, i can truly say & show love for The Bengals.

    distractions like him sometimes are best wrapped up in one's jersey & banished to the corner wearing the dunce hat.

  4. So, Chad Johnson can't do something idiotic because his corporate sponsor said it would cost them money?

    I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at that.

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    HA good one Jason~

    i'm sorry if i sound mean, but idiotic outta be his middle name, harsh maybe, but you don't throw your team under the bus , bad MOJO.

  6. Yeah, Chad Johnson or Eight-Five as I shall refer to him if I must (as opposed to eighty-five like his jersey number) is a complete idiot.

    The only good thing (for me) is that there is at least one professional team that is worse than my Cincinnati Reds, namely, the Cincinnati Bengals.

    If I lived in Ohio I would definitely move.

  7. Anonymous8:07 PM

    OUCH Freds~

    in a way i feel sorry for the guy, he looks like a complete douche for flapping all off season & then suiting up. GOOD FOR YOUR team , for sticking to their guns & not trading him, speaks volumes on the character of your team, that's a good thing!!

    give the bengals time. i know i've been in your shoes ;0

  8. Well, as a Steelers fan, I get a perverse pleasure watching the Bengals royally screw themselves every way possible.

    The Reds, on the other hand, give me headaches with the way they seem to screw themselves daily.

    It's not a good time to be a Cincinnati sports fan...even if one only roots for one of the two Cincy teams.

  9. Anonymous8:21 PM

    HA i thought u liked both teams, ah well, screw themselves all they want, sticking to their guns speaks volumes.

    they told Ocho NO & they meant NO. now that's what i'm talkin about. gotta respect a man or chick (lol) for stickin to what they say ;0 !!

    on a side note, the steelers are sick this season, between willie & mendenhall & the addition of swede......DAYUM we play you all soon ;0


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