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Delivery Time! - Trade with Greg @ Night Owl Cards

Thanks to a much needed weekend, I have finally been able to sort through the different packages that I've received over the past week. First up is a trade with Greg from Night Owl Cards. You can find his description of the trade here.

I sent Greg a bunch of 2008 Topps Heritage cards, along with a couple of 1983 Topps, 2008 Allen & Ginter cards, and about 50 random Dodger cards from a variety of years. In return, Greg sent me:

2008 Allen & Ginter:
Ancient Icons: #1 and 4
Team Orange: #3
Minis: #25, #33 , #97, #137, #163, #166, #259, #291, # 295

2008 Topps Heritage:
Base: #371
Black Back: #126

2008 UD Masterpieces:

2007 Topps Heritage:
New Age Performers: #1, #7, #14

2001 Topps:

First, many thanks Greg! I'm now tantalizingly close to the 2001 Topps set and I've knocked a few more cards off my Heritage list. I'm also grateful for the A&G minis, the Team Orange cards were remarkable difficult to find, so any card I can get makes a great trade for me!

To everyone else who sent me something, rest assured they are in the process of being scanned, typed, and written up. I appreciate the trades and I look forward to many more!

If you are interested in a possible trade, please check out my needs list here!


  1. You're very welcome. Always happy to help out a fellow collector. I'm sure I'll be contacting you for future deals!

  2. I dig the look of those cards

    throwback style


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