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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

Delivery Time! Trade with Jason @ Bozeman Breaker

Another trade successfully completed, this time with Jason at Bozeman Breaker. I sent Jason 8 of the Allen & Ginter US State cards he wanted - he sent me a smattering of cards from different brands (2 UD Masterpieces, 3 UD Spectrum, 2 A&G minis, and 1 Topps Heritage card).

Once again, this trade is representative of what is great about internet card trading. There's no way I could have picked up those 8 cards off of eBay for the cost of shipping (and 8 cards) - and there's probably no way that Jason could have sold that particular group of cards either. In the end, we both win - he gets a bunch of inserts (that were doubles for me) and I get to cross of 8 more cards from my rather immense want list.

Do you have any cards for trade on my want list? If so, please contact me!


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    HEY u, i'm really glad to see all these kewl trades you are getting into!! just droppin in to say HEY freds !!

  2. Thanks CK! I know that the 'ol baseball card entries aren't "the football chick's" thing - I'll work on that! I appreciate the visits anyhow!

  3. Anonymous8:17 PM

    NO WAY, i read all your entries, just not versed in what to say. BUT this is the site for Cards if anyone's lookin, you rock the cards for sure!!

    Keep doin your thing Freds!!!

  4. You getting busy. This internet thing sure makes trading cards a lot easier. Rock on.

  5. I've never heard of Jeff Salazar

    I'm about to google him


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