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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

Election Day.

It's election day!

Let me remind you that it's not over until that last vote is cast and counted...
...and don't take my word for it, check out this 2008 Topps Allen & Ginter "World's Greatest Victory" card for a historical reminder.

No matter what else you are doing tomorrow, make sure you take time to vote. Remember - you have NO RIGHT to complain about the next president if you don't vote, it's that simple.


  1. I am reminded of George Carlin's explanation for why he didn't vote. He said that if you don't vote then you have every right to complain, because you are not responsible for the screw-ups the President is responsible for because "hey, I didn't vote for that guy".

    But, personally I do agree with you that you should take advantage of the privilege we have in this country and vote.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Remember - you have NO RIGHT to complain about the next president if you don't vote, it's that simple.

    HA! well said!!!


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