I traded with Dan from
Saints of the Cheap Seats once before with great results. Last week, Dan sent me an email saying he had some cards on my want list...and a few days later the cards were sitting in my mailbox - all without me finding
anything to trade Dan! Needless to say, I'm extremely grateful for the cards - and I will be scouring
Dan's want list to see what cards I can send back to return the favor.
Many thanks to Dan for:
27 different mini (base) Allen & Ginter cards I needed
3 different mini (short print) Allen & Ginter cards I needed
1 World's Icon mini card I needed (Beowulf). I love the World's Icon set - and I'm only
missing a few more...
Thanks again - and check your mail later this week...a package will be on the way!
Anyone else want to trade? Check out my
want list and make an offer!
Glad I could make your day. Love seeing others happy to get cards from me (unlike TDW!).