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Delivery Time! Trade with Tim from Great Sports Name HOF

The midpoint of the college semester occurred about a week ago - which means that as a professor the busy time is now as I have to grade all those exams, quizzes, and midterms! As such, I've fallen a bit behind in my blogging...not to mention the fact that I have a couple of envelopes that I really need to mail out - and hopefully I can work out some new trades as my mailbox has been full of nothing but bills for the last week!

One of the trades that I neglected to write up is from Tim over at the Great Sports Name Hall of Fame blog. Tim sent me a bunch of 1991 Score cards that I needed in exchange for "future considerations." Well, his future considerations have been fully considered and will be in the mail this week - as for my end of the deal, here's what Tim sent me:

1991 Score:

445. Andre Dawson

480. Fred McGriff
523. Jack Clark

528. Greg Vaughn
677. Donovan Osborne

741. Rico Brogna

752. Randy Hennis
756. Phil Clark
813. Mosies Alou
825. Ozzie Smith

Many thanks Tim (and I promise, your package will be in the mail this week)! If anyone else would like to work out a trade, check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. I love that Ozzie card...any card where the lurker takes up more space than the actual player is always pretty fun.

    And awesome, I didn't expect the considerations so soon! Can't wait to see what you have picked out!

  2. Yeah, I liked the Ozzie myself! I'll be keeping an eye out for more cards for you, my selection of tradeable cards needs to be restocked!!

  3. Hawk needs to be in the HOF

    disgusting that Rice went in ahead of him

  4. So true 3rdStoneFromTheSun. I like Jim Rice, but Andre was a five tool player that impacted the game with more than just his bat.

    As for the '91 Score card of Andre, it looks like he got hold of a good one!

    Andre Dawson for the Hall of Fame


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