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The Quest for 35!

Final Pack (and a Hit)! Group Break: 2005 UD Classics

It's finally here, the last of the group break pack breaks!

It's been a long process - approximately 1,200 cards ripped and written about (including many scanned)...but it's been fun.  Fun enough, in fact, that I plan to do it again before too long with a new selection of boxes.  Stay tuned for further details as I learn them!

Onto the final pack!  And, in true spirit of the group break, I've scanned every card out of the last pack.  My scanner can now take a deserved break.

2005 UD Classics:

1.  Al Kaline  (Tigers)

7.  Billy Herman (Cubs)

13.  Boog Powell (Orioles)

44.  Howard Johnson (Mets)

68.  Luis Aparicio (White Sox)

78.  Ralph Kiner (Pirates)

85.  Ron Cey (Dodgers)

89.  Ted Lyons (White Sox)

MA-CA.  Jose Canseco - Classic Materials Relic (Athletics)

Phew!  That's it.  A nice relic to end the break on - and a whole bunch of stars in the pack that all go to somebody since all the above teams were claimed.  Please remember, if you don't want the duplicates to let me know.  I'm planing on mailing ALL the group break packages out on Monday morning!


  1. Thanks for all your work in setting this up and writing about it!

  2. Very good job! I can't believe you want to tackle another one so soon! Thank you very much.


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