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Two Ginter Code Questions

So the general consensus seems to be that the Celestial cards are somehow related to the code.  Since I have yet to see a pack of Allen & Ginter, let alone one of the rare Celestial cards, I have a question for those that have: 

What do the backs of the cards look like?  I'm assuming they are the same as the "regular" version of the cards but if not then I don't have much of a chance at cracking this thing without tracking down all the Celestial cards.

Updated question:  Who is the subject of card number 5 in the set (the Leo)?


  1. Celestial cards? The what what??

  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/2010-ALLEN-GINTER-CELESTIAL-STARS-PICES-JOHAN-SANTANA-/260627940880?cmd=ViewItem&pt=US_Baseball&hash=item3caea2c610

    has back photo

  3. Ah, I just found that one myself.

    I feel like I ought to be able to do this code thing - maybe I'm barking up the wrong perverbial tree though...

  4. yeah, i'm not sure if the ebay sellers are correct naming these code cards since it is a subset, but its the only thing i have to go off of...

  5. Both questions answered now - I found card #5 on ebay (Pedroia). I've also got a small lead that may (or may not) lead somewhere...

  6. Sorry to say, we cracked the code yesterday. We hope we were the first and should know in about a week or so.

    Oh, you do not need the celestial star cards to crack the code.


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