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Delivery Time! Trade with Thorzul

I've completed hundreds of trades since I've started this humble blog - and almost all of them have been quite successful.  At the moment, I can only think of two times where I got royally screwed over - once for about 150 Topps Heritage cards and once for some Heritage Chrome cards.  Other than that, most of the other trades have been great...  Unfortunately, all good things come to an end...or at least in this case, hopefully only a rather long pause.

Thorzul (from the Thorzul Will Rule blog) and I agreed to a swap of 2010 Allen & Ginter cards about a month ago, he sent off his package and I sent off my package, everything seems fine right?  Well, sure, it would have been fine if I weren't an idiot.  You see, I keep an Excel spreadsheet with names, address, and trade histories for everyone that I trade with.  Each person gets his or her own page in my spreadsheet (where I also keep track of favorite teams and/or players if I know them).  Unfortunately for me (and Thorzul at the moment), he happened to share the last name with another person whom I traded with awhile back - who also happened to live in Wisconsin.  Without realizing it, I mailed Thorzul's half of the trade to someone else.  Now, to be fair, that person did call my parents (my old phone number is still on my check that was included for a shipping reimbursement...I should probably work on fixing that since I haven't lived at home for years now).  Anyhow, the guy who I accidentally sent the cards graciously said he'd send the box back to me - but that was about two weeks ago and I still haven't seen the return box.

Long story short, I owe Thorzul some cards...and if that box full of cards doesn't show up here within another week or so, I'll be begging and pleading people to get the cards that I (tried to) send Thorzul once before.  I guess given the hundreds of trades that I've completed, I can't complain too much about one mix-up, but I can say that I've reorganized my spreadsheet to have both last AND first names on all of the tabs to avoid any mix-ups in the future.  Hang in there Thorzul, I haven't forgotten - I'm still hoping that box of cards shows up!

Anyhow, here's what Thorzul sent me!

2010 Topps Allen & Ginter:
Base:  I got a bunch of base cards - which should finish off a couple of complete base (1 - 300) sets of Ginter.  As of the time I wrote this post, I haven't gotten around to actually collating everything yet.

Sketch cards:
AGHS2.  Mark Buehrle

This Day in History:
TDH13.  Adam Dunn
TDH21.  Magglio Ordonez

Sailors of the Seven Seas:
SSS3.  Sir Walter Raleigh

National Animals:
NA16.  Leopard - Somalia

Monsters of the Mesozoic:
MM21.  Bambiraptor

Thanks again Thorzul, and as always - if anyone else would like to work out a trade, check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. I wonder how many of us have the big Excel spreadsheet going? I like your idea of keeping track of what got traded for what...mine is just one sheet with everyone in a list, alphabetically by name (or blog if they have no name). I have emails and addresses and stuff listed too, but no record of how well we've traded. So it's all up to my memory, which hopefully serves most bloggers (aside from one or two) very well!

  2. Oh that happens sometimes that's why next time you should be careful. I hope Thorzul would understand it and i pray that you will recover that missing half. For the person who happens to have it please return it to the sender he badly need it. A thing that is not yours should be return to the right person.


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