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Group Break: 1998 Pinnacle Performers - Pack 13

Hopefully everyone (including myself) survived Black Friday...  By the time you read this, I'll be on the road heading back to Pennsylvania after spending Thanksgiving in Vermont.  However, just because I'm nowhere near a computer right now doesn't mean the group break fun has to stop - let's crack open another pack of 1998 Pinnacle Performers!

1998 Pinnacle Performers
Pack 13

21.  Albert Belle - White Sox
57.  Dante Bichette - Rockies

61.  Justin Thompson - Tigers
91.  Alan Benes - Cardinals
97.  Todd Walker - Twins
100.  Mike Cameron - White Sox

The photo on the back of Cameron's card would probably be used as a Facebook profile picture today...
103.  Jeff Suppan - Diamondbacks
148.  Checklist
44 of 50.  The number 64.
