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How I Spent My Snow Day (and Yesterday)

Yep, all those drafts are final posts that only need a schedule time.  I'm expecting this week to be crazy busy with work - but my blog shouldn't suffer...I've got plenty of things to keep you entertained.

And because I don't normally have 4 posts in one day (there's another going live tonight), here's a quick link to the first two of the day:

The first card of the newest trade stack (Hint: It's a Yankee insert)

A trade recap from a swap with O No, Another Orioles Blog


  1. Love those snow days! I had two last week and now have 14 posts scheduled and ready to go!

  2. Snow in Pennsylvania and upper 60's here in Virginia. Mother Nature has a hard time making her mind up this time of year it seems.

  3. Ha! Glad to see I'm not the only one who plans ahead. I have three posts ready to go...gotta keep the customers happy ;-)

  4. Snow days mean nothing in my job. It means driving through snow to get to work.

    I've got a hell of a week of work ahead, but unfortunately not much planned, guess I better get moving!


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