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Gypsy Queen Group Break Update #2 (and More News!)

Alright, I have received word that the Gypsy Queen boxes have been mailed.  According to the order tracking, as of 11:00 PM EST on 4/29/11, the boxes were in transit to Harrisburg, PA.  I live about three hours north of Harrisburg, so there is a slight chance the boxes will arrive tomorrow.  If not, they should certainly be here on Monday.  I will rip the boxes and mail out the cards ASAP.

From the discussion on my last post about the group break, it appears that the majority of the people want me to random off the two UPC codes assuming we are shorted two autographs (which based on most box breaks I've seen appears to be a safe assumption).  I'm totally ok with that so that's what I'll do unless I hear strong objections from the thus far silent members of the break.

Now, the next question:  Should I try to video break the boxes using my (admittedly) rather crappy built-in web cam on my laptop OR should I simply do a pack-by-pack posting like I've done for all my other group breaks?  

I'm leaning towards the pack by pack posts since I'm already proficient at scanning cards and writing posts.  I'm not sure I can easily do a video thing...and I'd hate to do one and have it turn out lousy for a group break like this!  (I should probably practice on one of my own box breaks, maybe when Ginter comes up since I doubt I'll be buying too many boxes until then.)

Also, I forgot to add this the first time when I posted this entry:
Now that my teaching duties are over until next fall, I have time to run my "regular" group breaks.  I'll be doing sign-ups soon - probably this weekend (if the Gypsy Queen doesn't show up) - otherwise, I'll do sign-ups as soon as the Gypsy Queen is posted, sorted, and mailed.

I do need thank BBCExchange for their sponsorship of the upcoming group break.  I'm excited for the boxes - lots of cool stuff, much of it mid-to-high end stuff from around the turn of the decade.  I won't spoil all the boxes quite yet - but I'll give you one of them:

2000 Topps Tek

That's right - the set collector (and player collector) nightmare or is it dream set?  I guess it all depends on how you look at it.  I know that I've never opened up a single pack of this set before - and the box promises a few goodies...plus the chance at a few other (rarer) goodies!


  1. Pack by pack scans sounds fun if that's the way you prefer to do it :)

  2. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I like pack by pack too. I don't need to see it all at once right away, and if that's easier for you I'd do that.

  3. Yes, pack by pack is always fun!


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