According to, there are approximately 3,464 different Barry Larkin cards in existence. Seeing how I only have 104 different cards documented in my
Barry Larkin Collection series, it shouldn't be all that surprising that people keep sending me Barry Larkin cards that I didn't previously own.
However it's not quite that simple, although I only have 104 cards documented (which is about 3% of all Larkin cards ever made), I have a huge stack of Larkins waiting to be scanned and documented! Even so, Jack (or
Baseball Dad as he often goes by on the blogs), managed to send me three brand new Larkins for my collection!
First up, an O-Pee-Chee sticker card back of Larkin. I'm fairly certain I have this card in the regular Topps version and not in the O-Pee-Chee version. The front of the card is where you find the stickers - but I'm much too lazy to try and figure out who the two players are on the stickers right now. Maybe that will happen when I write about this card in my Barry Larkin Collection series.
Next, an SP Authentic Larkin card from 1999. It seems like I learn about a new set from 1999 every couple of days, how many sets were actually released that year anyhow?
And the last new Larkin happens to be another card from 1999. I need a little help with this one though - what set does this belong to? The back says Baseball Greats at the top, and it's a Fleer card.
And oh yeah, he also sent me some shiny cards that I needed:
140. Brett Anderson
185. Peter Bourjos
Thanks for the cards Jack! And, as always, if anyone else would like to trade - check out
my want list and make an offer!
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