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Contest Results! (Plus a Poll Question)

A couple of weeks ago, I was offered the opportunity to review a Digital Scrapbooking Software progam by My Memories.
In addition to my review copy, I was also given the ability to give away a copy of their program to one of my blog readers...  Now that the deadline for entry has long passed, let's determine the winner!

 First, I entered all the names in a list on Random.org (including multiple entries for those who earned them):

And next, I hit shuffle three times (where the third time I hit shuffle the top name wins)...

Shuffle 1

Shuffle 2

Shuffle 3

Congratulations Chris Shufflestreet!  Shoot me an email and we can work out how you can claim your prize!  And to all who entered, thank you!  Finally, I leave you with a short poll:


  1. It's Stufflestreet, by the way (no "H" in there). Thatnks, and an email will be heading your way it a few moments.


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