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Group Break #5: Molten Metal - Packs 2 and 3

I opened up the first Fleer Molten Metal card as my initial preview pack for the group break.  Let's rip open another pair of the cardboard packs right now!

Pack 02:
4.  Rafael Palmeiro - Rangers
17.  Bobby Higginson - Tigers
20.  Pedro Martinez - Red Sox
47.  Jim Thome - Indians
122.  Barry Bonds - Giants
108.  Xplosion:  Chad Allen - Twins

The Chad Allen card is actually made out of metal (hence the Molten Metal set name)!  I have to admit, the gimmick works for me as it's a really nice card (and no worries about dinged corners either)!

Pack 03:
2.  Jose Canseco - Rays
75.  Eric Karros - Dodgers
80.  Tino Martinez - Yankees
118.  Kenny Lofton - Indians
139.  Frank Thomas - White Sox

4F.  Sterling Heavy Metal Fusion:  Darin Erstad - Angels #257 of 500

Woah, there's a nice score for the Angels!  I have to say, in the three packs of Molten Metal we've opened so far, we've done really well!  What a fun little box!
