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Delivery Time! Trollin' For Trades

About a month ago, I sent Troll (from The Collective Troll blog) a whole bunch of 2009 Topps cards.  I don't think they were part of any formal trade but I knew he needed 'em (and I didn't).  Flash forward about a month and that small box of cards was worthwhile - the magnificent Troll managed to send me the last card I needed for my 2010 Topps set - this History of the World Series card featuring the Yankees winning (booo!).

When I saw the card, I couldn't help but laugh a little bit because this particular card has been involved in at least three different trade talks since the set was released two years ago.  In fact, there is one trade that was agreed to (and I mailed my half) in which I was to have received this card (along with a few others).  Obviously, I got totally stiffed in that deal as not only did I not get the cards I was supposed to but I mailed my half off in good faith.  If it weren't for the hundreds of great trades that I've made over the same time period, I might be inclined to think all people are scummy.  Luckily, I know it's only a small (but annoying) fraction of people that are scummy.

Troll also managed to find a 2009 Allen & Ginter mini that I still needed.

I'm ever so slowly closing in on completing the 2009 mini set - in fact, I only need the following to complete the various sets:
2009 Allen & Ginter Needs:
Inventions of the Future (minis): FI5Extinct Creatures (minis): 1, 5Creatures of Legend, Myth, &Terror (minis): 5, 7, 14, 15Cabinet Boxloader: CB6, CB9, CB10Regular back mini: 28, 30, 47, 53, 73, 134, 159, 176, 205, 208, 264, 271, 277, 307
Thanks a lot for the trade Troll!  And, as always, if anyone else would like to trade - check out my want list and make an offer!  P.S.  Congrats for rockin' that Statistics final!


  1. Thanks Chris!!!
    So glad that I was able to handle statistics... I love math, but it is hard to focus on when working has to be my main focus...
    I literally sorted through hundreds of minis trying to find that ONE single mini for you!
    So sorry you had to post a Yankees card on yer blog...


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