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Metal in the Morning!

Although today is Monday (a day I usually despise), this particular Monday isn't nearly so bad.  For starters, I have exactly two weeks of classes left to teach this semester (and then I give three final exams).  After that, it will be my Christmas winter break!  Today is made a bit sweeter by the fact that my wife and I recently returned from a trip to Vermont (which included me knocking off about half of my Christmas shopping list)!  Finally, today's a good day because I have plenty of packs of cards to open.  Here's the next pack from my 2000 Skybox Metal box.

Pack 02:
13.  Carlos Feebles
31.  A.J. Burnett
41.  Jim Thome

Some of the cards have a "thumb print" background while others like Thome have a spiral background.  
81.  Andruw Jones
99.  Eric Chavez
108.  Troy O'Leary

The O'Leary card has more of a sunburst effect than a spiral or thumb print.
125.  Jeff Kent
153.  John Halama
157.  Steve Finley
233.  Buddy Carlyle

Cards numbered 201 - 250 were seeded 1:2 packs are thus short prints (boo!).  The cards are all prospects though if the Carlyle card is any indication I don't expect to see any spectacular prospects...

I've now busted exactly two packs and already found two inserts plus a short print.  It's a good start to the box for sure.

I can also add that I spent quite a bit of time on Sunday crafting blog posts!  There will be at least three posts per day for the entire week, something that my readers grew accustomed to during the summer! As a few hints as to what to expect, I can tell you that there will be plenty of posts showing Skybox Metal packs, but there will also be some other things including Legos, trade posts, some voting, and the return of one of my most popular features that hasn't seen the light of day on my blog in about 5 months or so.  Keep readin'!
