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Barry Larkin Experiment: The Results of the Latest Vote are In!

The Barry Larkin Experiment seems to have stalled out.

In case you don't know, I devised a bracket challenge for the first 100 Barry Larkin cards that I featured in my ongoing Barry Larkin Collection.  From there, it's been a single elimination contest - with all winners/losers decided by my loyal readers.

Unfortunately, readership seems to be down across the entire blog-o-sphere...and even more so when I post stuff about Larkin.  Apparently you all aren't nearly as interested in Larkin cards as I am.  Who knew?

As you can see from the above poll, a mere 8 votes were cast...this is down from the double digit number of votes cast for most of the first round.  I've decided to put the bracket on hold for a little bit, maybe I'll resume it after the New Year celebrations are over.

In the mean time, if you want to check out the bracket so far (only 4 more votes remain in the first round), you can find the entire bracket here.


  1. Yep, you're right. This is a tough time of year for readership... holidays... no new products... no actual baseball being played.

    Personally, I always forget to check your side bar where you can cast your vote. My bad.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I got to the party late :( Would have voted otherwise.


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