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Finishing Off Our Second Group Break Box! (Good Riddance Flair!)

Last night, I opened two of the final four packs in the 1995 Flair box.  I think we ought to finish off the box right now (which means I can then sort the cards into the team stacks and inch ever closer to being able to mail cards out)!

Pack 23:
6.  Mike Mussina - Orioles
15.  Mo Vaughn - Red Sox

Gotta wear shades for your baseball card!
21.  Tim Salmon - Angels
34.  Charles Nagy - Indians
41.  Tony Phillips - Tigers
42.  Lou Whitaker - Tigers
55.  Greg Vaughn - Brewers
90.  Darren Oliver - Rangers
99.  Mike Huff - Blue Jays

Pack 24:
4.  Alan Mills - Orioles
12.  Mike Greenwell - Red Sox
19.  Andrew Lorraine - Angels
32.  Dennis Martinez - Indians
39.  Travis Fryman - Tigers
52.  Pat Listach - Brewers

Kind of a gross sweaty cap don't you think?  Ew.
53.  Matt Miekse - Brewers
88.  Juan Gonzalez - Rangers
97.  Juan Guzman - Blue Jays

I have to admit, I'm kind of happy the Flair box is complete.  Any one card is fine on its own, but opening 24 packs of the double plastic wrapped mini boxes was tedious (and way too many duplicates in the box)!  Now, we are down to packs in only three more boxes.  Which one will finish off next?


  1. Love the Mo V. Greenwell was always a favorite

  2. Pat Listach. Or, as we used to call him, "Pencil Thin" Listach.


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