By the time you read this post, there is a decent chance I should be home from my vacation (my wife and I went on a cruise). However, this post was written over a week ago before I left for my vacation so that my blog wouldn't go completely dead in my absence. Enjoy one of (maybe the last?) post written well before the fact.
Pack 17:
8. Derek Jeter
21. Roberto Alomar
58. Dave Berg
70. Eric Chavez
103. Wally Joyner
PS-206. 28. Jim Edmonds
I stopped keeping track of the duplicates since all of the sudden I have a huge stack of 'em. That's certainly disappointing as I was hoping to complete the full 1999 Pacific Private Stock set from a single's looking less and less likely though that I will be able to make that a reality.
Pack 18:
38. Kenny Lofton
48. David Wells
71. Ryan Cristenson
75. Edgard Clemente
149. Enrique Wilson
PS-206. 51. Bobby Abreu
And so endeth 75% of the box.
Hope y'all enjoyed the cruise!