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2014 Topps Allen & Ginter Box #3: Box Topper and the First Six Packs!

It's been a bit over a week and I've managed to open up two of my four boxes.  I think I'll speed the process up even more for the third box by opening up six packs at a time and simply listing any cards of note.

Box topper:

A Mark McGwire card...as a freaking Cardinal.  I'm guessing this is one of the least wanted cards (by me anyhow) in the entire set.

Packs 1 - 6:

The first six packs didn't prove to be the most exciting ever - sort of like the box topper.  It's not a good sign for the box, that's for sure.

The so-called highlights of the first quarter of the box did include a black bordered short print mini (Jason Grilli) and two A&G back minis.

I also landed two Pastime's Pastimes (both Orioles) and three Air Supremacy cards.

Finally, I landed a new Natural Wonder card for my collection.

I've got 75% of the box remaining (including all three promised hits).  Hopefully the next post will be much more interesting!
