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2014 Topps Allen & Ginter's Hobby Box #3: First Hit of the Box

Another day, another round of 2014 Allen & Ginter packs!  After this morning's post I will have half of my third (of four) hobby boxes ripped.  We didn't find a hit in the first six packs...but that only means we are almost sure to find at least one hit today!

Packs 7 - 12:

I won't lie, this box has been a dud so far.  I did find my first hit (more on that in a moment) but let's first look at the other pack contents.

For the minis, I didn't pull anything good - five regular back minis and one A&G back mini of Kris Medlen.

I pulled a trio of Pastime's Pastimes cards but none of the three players are of much interest to me.

Finally, a bit of good news.

I pulled two Natural Wonders cards (McWay Falls and Marble Caves).

I happen to like both of the Natural Wonder cards a lot - and I like this World's Capitals card of Beijing too!

Now, on the hit:

Yeah, a freaking Yankee.  Just what this crap box needed to sour me even more.  It does have a pinstripe which looks nice enough...but still.  Ugh.  This is eBay fodder if I ever saw it.


  1. On the plus side, at least the Yankees usually pull in that Pinstripe Premium on eBay. You could have been stuck with a Brewer or an Astro or an internet blogger or something.


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