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Delivery Time! A Surprise Christmas Gift from Bleedin' Brown & Gold

Over the years, if there's one thing that I've learned about my fellow baseball card bloggers it is that by and large the entire blogging community is exceedingly generous!  Case in point:  Duff from Bleedin' Brown & Gold.

As a surprise gesture, Duff sent me a Christmas card complete with an unopened LEGO Minifigure pack.

It was a total surprise as he and I hadn't even traded this year (according to my records anyhow).  To be thought of over a year after a trade last occurred?  Well, that's pretty awesome if you ask me!

Even more awesome is getting something LEGO related to open - and the minifigure pack hit the spot for sure!  Who'd I get?  None other than the LEGO rocker!

Many, many thanks Duff!  And a belated Merry Christmas (and Happy New Year) as well - not just to Duff but to all my readers!
