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2015 Topps Allen & Ginter: Box 6 - Packs 1 - 6 (Boxtopper & a Framed Relic)

After the disappointment of box #5 (save for a few minis including a case hit), I'm hoping for something much better out of box #6.  It's hard to believe but after this box is complete, the case will be half done!

Box 6:
Box Topper:

The Freddie Freeman box topper is nice enough I guess (it's definitely better than the stupid oversized reprints) but it's still not all that exciting to me.  I keep hoping for one of the cooler box toppers (or at least more of the Pride of the People cards since I plan to actually collect that full set!

Packs 1 - 6:

We begin the packs from box 6 much in the same way we ended with box 5...lots of duplicate full-sized inserts.  In fact, all of the non-Starting Point full-sized inserts were duplicates.  This makes me sad - but luckily there were a couple of cards that made me happy.

First, a nice black bordered Jose Bautista.

Next, my only other mini of note - and my first mini insert of box 6!

That's Michelle Obama.  According to her card back, Michelle has been "arguably the most accessible first lady in history."

And finally, how about another gorgeous framed relic?

Yeah, that's pretty sweet - even I can admit that!  I always liked David Wright...and who knew getting a bit of a bat piece (presumably) would feel exciting after only getting bits of cloth in the first five boxes!

Not a terrible start to box #6 - the mini plus the framed relic really saved the first quarter of the box.  I'm anxious to see what else awaits!


  1. You looking to trade that Freeman? Could send you some mini inserts your missing after the whole case...

  2. You looking to trade that Freeman? Could send you some mini inserts your missing after the whole case...


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