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Allen & Ginter Box Toppers: Who Wants 'Em? (Trout, Puig, Cano, Stanton, plus More!!)

I have already listed my 2015 Topps Allen & Ginter cards that I have available for trade, but what I didn't list in that first lot was all of my box toppers.  This was because I was on the fence about which box toppers I would collect this year (usually I try for them all but I decided that wasn't wise this year).  As such, I choose one set to attempt to complete (Pride of the People) while the other two sets of box toppers I am making available for trade.

What do I have you ask?  Here's what is available.  Note that I will also add these to the original 2015 Allen & Ginter Trade Bait page - and I'll keep that page up-to-date as people claim the cards.  In return, I'm looking for stuff off of my want list (or LEGO sets because why not)?!

Box Loader Insert Set:

B-5.  Corey Kluber (Indians)
B-8.  Yasiel Puig (Dodgers)
B-12.  Evan Longoria (Rays)
B-15.  Giancarlo Stanton (Marlins)

Oversized Cabinet Reprints:

154.  Rusney Castillo (Red Sox)
252.  Mike Trout (Angels)
288.  Robinson Cano (Mariners)

As a reminder, go here to check the most up-to-date list of my trade bait (and to claim any cards you want)!


  1. Would you trade your Trout for my Jesus Christ?

  2. Yes, I'd be happy to do that swap. Shoot me your address via email when you get the chance.


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