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Delivery Time! Five Tool Collector Sends Me a Pogo Stick Guy (and I Love It!)

Back in August of this year, my new job kicked into high gear.  We opened our brand new Math Center at the college (which I direct) in August and, of course, classes started then as well (I am teaching a pair of classes this semester).  Then, by the time the job duties died down (or at least I get them under control), I started a group break.

Flash forward to today and the group break is over...and the semester is almost over as well!  So, I suppose now is as good of a time as ever to get caught back up on some trade posts!  Before I get to the trade post though, I must show off my LEGO Winter Village that my wife and I put together for this year.  The snow flurries started today at our house so we felt it was time to get the village up!

Now, back to baseball cards!

Today's envelope is courtesy of Bob over at The Five Tool Collector.  Bob sent me a PWE with a single card in it...but what a card it was!

That's Gary Stewart - Pogo Stick World Record Holder.

Now, I don't give two flying f's about Pogo Sticking, but I am super excited to get this card because it puts me one card closer to completing the entire 2010 Topps Allen & Ginter's relic set!

This card actually has a bit more history than simply me acquiring via a PWE.  You see, Bob actually bought this card purposely (thinking it was a relic of a different Gary Stewart).  You can read all about this trials and tribulations with this particular relic over on his blog.

Thanks to Bob, I am now only missing 27 of the relics in the set (there are 100 in total).  If you happen to have any 2010 Allen & Ginter relics that you don't need/want from my list (see below), let me know.  I'd love to work out a trade.  Here's what I still need:

  • AGA.  Anthony Gatto
  • AJ.  Avery Jenkins
  • DB.  David Blaine
  • DBR.  Drew Brees
  • DH.  Dan Haren
  • DU.  Dan Uggla
  • DW.  David Wright
  • GSI.  Glenn Singleman
  • IS.  Ichiro Suzuki
  • JS.  Jordin Sparks
  • JV.  Joey Votto (jersey only)
  • KF.  Kosuke Fukudome
  • LB.  Lance Berkman
  • MM.  Marvin Miller
  • MP.  Mike Parsons
  • NF.  Neftali Feliz
  • PP.  Preston Pittman
  • RH.  Ryan Howard (bat only)
  • RO.  Randy Oitker
  • RP.   Regis Philbin
  • SJ.  Shawn Johnson
  • SSA.  Summer Sanders
  • TB. Tyler Brandt
  • TH. Tony Hawk
  • TK.  Tom Knapp
  • YG.  Yovani Gallardo
  • ZS.  Zac Sunderland

Thanks again for the great PWE Bob (even if it took me the better part of three months to write a post)!  I actually have another seven or so envelopes sitting on my desk waiting to be posted about so expect more mail day posts in the near future!
