My stack of incoming mail is getting a bit out of hand, so let's whittle down the ol' pile just a bit today. Today's package is a PWE from Jeff over at
Wish They Still Came With Bubblegum blog.
Jeff and I agreed to a relatively simple swap - and then as traders often do, we each added to it for a bit of a surprise for the other person. For me, Jeff threw in a nice selection of bonus Stadium Club cards that I needed for my set.
I especially like the Cain and the Deion cards - but I find the Murphy card to be slightly creepy for some reason. I also have no desire to see the Giants continue to have cards of their players kissing the World Series trophy so while I'm happy to have the Hudson card for my set...I can live without the Giants winning the World Series any time again soon!
I definitely liked the Stadium Club additions, but the real catalyst for the trade was actually this:
When I saw the card, I had no idea what it was (besides obviously 1995 Stadium Club). It turns out, this is a Division Winner team parallel set celebrating the Reds' division win. It's also yet another brand new Barry Larkin card for my collection (and one that I'll write up before too long)!
Many thanks for the great trade Jeff - not to mention I learned something new along the way! As for anyone else, if you'd like trade -
check out my want list and make an offer!
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