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The Baseball Card Back: An Underappreciated Aspect of Card Design

I'm now well into my box of 1994 Fleer...and quite frankly, it's about time that I pick up the pace a bit.  In fact, I'm getting anxious to start sorting all the cards and then getting them into 9-pocket pages!  However, I can't do that until I have the entire box ripped.  Therefore, I do hope to start ripping more than one pack in a single day...but we'll have to see if I can make time to do so!  At least I'm starting the morning off with a pack!

Pack 15:
20.  David Segui
61.  Mark Langston
78.  Ellis Burks
96.  Frank Thomas
98.  Sandy Alomar, Jr.

Alomar looks like he's playing in 90 degree weather in this photo.
114.  Jeff Mutis
131.  Dan Gladden
359.  Tom Glavine

I know some people out there like cards showing pitchers bunting.  Here's one, but you can only find the photo on the back of the card!  On the front, Glavine is shown pitching.
442.  Greg Harris
456.  Gary Wayne
514.  Eric Karros
530.  Todd Worrell

Not a very flattering write-up for Worrell (even if it is accurate).  The Fleer writers didn't pull any punches in this set!
688.  Mark Carreon
697.  John Patterson
Team Leaders:  27.  Tony Gwynn

Since I only showed card backs throughout this post, might as well show the card back of Gwynn's insert as well.

All told, I think the 1994 Fleer card back design is as good as the card front design!  There are subtle team colorings on the back, full career stats, and (often) a snarky write-up.  Good stuff all around.


  1. Crap. I thought I had that Glavine in the bunt binder.

    (adds to ebay watch list)

  2. You nailed it. I really need to start showing card backs a little more love.


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