I've seen a bunch of posts showing off the 2017 Topps Bunt set. For the price point, I think I may have to track a box of the stuff down for myself...but I won't allow myself to do that until I've at least made my way through the prize package from a Night Owl contest. I've been working my way through the 2016 Gypsy Queen blaster - three packs down already, let's rip pack four now!
Pack 4:
58. Eduardo Rodriguez
69. Edwin Encarnacion
I think this image could have stood to be zoomed out just a bit. It'd have been nice to see Edwin's full bat in the photo. On the other hand, if I'm Edwin I have to ask why did Topps choose a photo of me swinging and missing (or so it appears).
129. Mark Teixeira
189. Trevor Rosenthal
255. J.J. Hardy
I hate that I have to check the itty bitty code on the back of each card simply to see if the card is some sort of "stealth" variation (none of the above were, for what it is worth). Of course, at least Topps does give collectors one way to know if a card is a variation...that small number beats no number at all!
Rainbow (?) mini:
333. Bo Jackson
Ok Gypsy Queen fans out there. Tell me, what is this mini? It's got a rainbow like shine to it - and it's part of the short print set. I can't figure it out based on the pack wrapper. Is this the exclusive short-printed mini base card parallel that the blaster promises? Someone out there must know something about this product!
I believe the rainbow foil mini checklist was limited to the SPs in the base set. At least all of them that I have seen were SPs. And, yes, I believe they were one per box as promised.