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Where I've Been...

As you may (or may not) have noticed, I was away for the past two weeks.  During that time, 13 days were spent with my Mathematics of the Ancient and Modern World class in Italy and Greece.  I took a group of 27 people to Europe and I believe a great time was had by all!
Beautiful Oia in Santorini, Greece.

Last night (and later today), I spent in Toronto watching the Reds and Blue Jays go at it (I'm writing this post prior to leaving for Toronto so I don't yet know if the Reds won Tuesday night or not).

I'll be home within a few hours of my post going "live" on the blog.  I hope to catch up on my various emails and whatnot within the next couple of days!


  1. Santorini is such a beautiful place

  2. Loved Greece! Glad you had a fun trip.

  3. The buildings of Greece looks so clean, so white against the Aegean. gorgeous! glad you are home safely!

  4. Wow. Santorini is beautiful. Looks like something from a Bond film.


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