Yesterday, I showed off the contents of the first three packs out of a 2017 Topps Archives blaster that I happened to spot for sale at Wal*Mart last week. Today, it's time to continue our journey through the blaster (with the hopes that the next three packs will yield more than six base cards for my set)!
Pack 4:
40. Joc Pederson
92. Masahiro Tanaka
118. Drew Pomeranz
169. Starlin Castro
208. Todd Frazier
279. Kyle Seager
285. Michael Brantley
Peach parallel: 103. Alex Reyes (#104/199)
The peach parallels are seeded 1:18 blaster packs, or slightly rarer than about one every other blaster. While it's a decent pull, it's simply too bad it had to be a stupid Cardinal. The other thing that was stupid about that pack? Notice the lack of bold... Not a single card that I actually needed for my base set. That's two (out of four) packs so far that have been completely useless.
Pack 5:
39. Rob Segedin
42. David Cone
75. Ty Cobb
159. Pedro Martinez
192. Ryne Sandberg
205. Trea Turner
247. Matt Harvey
Retro Originals: 10. Carlos Correa
The Retro Originals are seeded 1:14 packs, so again I (sort of) beat the odds by pulling one in my blaster. Unfortunately for me, I'm actually more interested in getting base cards that I need and that Correa simply took up the spot of a potential card I could use. Then again, this was a pack that didn't hold a single new base card for my what good would one more base card have been?
That's right. ZERO cards I needed out of those two packs. If you are keeping track, it's now been five packs with exactly six base cards that I needed for my set. Still, two more packs to do - and if I can get another 4+ needed cards
from each pack then this blaster will have been salvaged, albeit barely.
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