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1999 Pacific: How Many Insert Cards Do You Like in a Given Set?

Based on the pack wrapper of the 1999 Pacific set (hobby edition), one should only expect to get about four Dynagon cards, two Team Checklist, and a Gold Crown insert in the entire box.  That's only seven inserts out of a total of 36 packs - they don't make boxes like that anymore!

What do you think of the sets like this (i.e. sets revolving around the base set with the inserts few and far between)?  Personally, I wish Topps flagship was more like that.  I could do with one, maybe two insert sets in flagship Topps with a pair of 350 card series (or something like that).  I actually hate opening a pack of new Topps and finding 3 of the 8 cards are inserts...it cheapens the entire product for me (it makes collecting the base set that much tougher and it makes the inserts feel very much run-of-the-mill).

I guess I should hold back my comments until I'm done busting the Pacific box though...maybe I'll get bored of "vanilla base cards" by the time I get to pack 36.  Time will tell - but for pack 3 I can report that it's another helping of ten base cards (though we do get our third image variation of the box already).

Pack 3:
6.  Chuck Finley
54.  Ryan Minor
151.  Neifi Perez
154.  Larry Walker

Image variation.
175.  Cliff Floyd
279.  Bobby Jones
335.  Adrian Brown

There are enough nice action shots scattered throughout the set to keeps things interesting (though the photography in this set will never be confused for a set like Stadium Club).
364.  Kevin Brown
427.  Roberto Kelly
429.  Ivan Rodriguez

Another nice looking card!

Three packs down...


  1. I'm with you. Topps has kind of taken the fun or novelty of pulling an insert out of a pack. I would totally be okay with them having only 2-3 insert sets... where you'd only get one or two per box. I totally miss the 1:72 type of inserts.

  2. I agree that flagship has WAY too many inserts. Remember when Fleer did that insert-in-each-pack thing? That seemed like insanity at the time. I'd be happy with 10-15 inserts in a 36 count box.

  3. I agree with Fuji & Matt..Topps has way too many inserts. I just bought a retail box of 2016 S2 and got about 40 inserts (many of them were Griffey tribute & Ichiro 3K) But this Pacific box doesn't have enough imo. I'd say my ideal box has a 1:4 insert/parallel set, a 1:12 insert set, a 1:36 (relic), a 1:72 (auto), and one or two case hits.


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