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Delivery Time! Bubba Sends X

A couple of weeks ago, I received a PWE in the mail from Matt (over at Bubba's Bangin' Batch of Baseball Bits).  Matt sent me some cards in exchange for a recent Trade Stack that I had posted.  What cards, you may ask?

Well, I'm glad you inquired.

Matt is a huge Allen & Ginter collector (which is great for me since I also like to go "all in" on Ginter and he and I end up making plenty of mutually beneficial trades).  However, the one product that Matt seems to buy that I stay away from is Allen & Ginter X.  It's not that I don't like the black X cards (I do) but it's more a matter of budgetary reasons for me...I can't even afford to finish off this year's regular A&G set with inserts, there's now way I can add on another set on top of that!

However, I'm still happy that I was able to land the Reds in the set thanks to Matt's PWE.

I'll have more to say about that gorgeous Larkin card in a future post as part of my ongoing Barry Larkin Collection series.

In addition, Matt threw in a card of everyone's favorite joggler - quite probably because he saw my interview with Michal Kapral on my blog a few weeks (months?!) ago.

Thanks for the quick and easy swap, Matt.  And, as always, should anyone else wish to trade:  Go check out my want list and make an offer!
