About a week and a half ago, I received a PWE from Chris over
The Collector. The PWE was full of Reds cards - and, in a fun surprise for myself, there were a few cards in there that I had never seen before.
In fact, there were two cards from the 2016 Topps Archives 65th Anniversary set in the envelope. Not only had I not seen those two cards before, I hadn't even heard of the set before! From what I could see online, I think it was a Wal-Mart exclusive set. The fronts of the cards are basically just reprints, but the backside of the cards is done with the 1975 Topps card back design (which is a little odd, but it also helps make these cards feel a bit different from the "regular" counterparts).
I've seen that Bench card reprinted so many times that it has virtually lost all meaning to me, but the Hatteberg was a fun addition. I'm tempted to try and track down a box of the 65th Anniversary set but looking at the retail price ($25) for only 16 cards (with one autograph) seems pretty steep for retail.
Chris did send me a different Johnny Bench card which I liked - this one from Bunt 2016.
I never bought any of the Bunt cards either, but I did open up a blaster of the 2016 stuff and a box of the 2017 stuff for a group break earlier this year so at least I'm familiar with the brand now. For a cheap set, it's pretty nice - and that Bench card looks great!
The rest of the Reds in the envelope were pretty much ones I already had, but the three cards I scanned that were new made for a great PWE as it is. Thanks for the cards, Chris - and as always, if anyone else would like to trade be sure to
check out my want list and make an offer!
You're welcome! Glad there were at least a couple cards you could use.