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2015 Upper Deck Dinosaurs: Pack 3: In Which I Get Cheated Out of Card (But It's Ok)

Happy Friday everyone!  I'm here with the third pack out of my 2015 Upper Deck Dinosaurs box.  I'm still trying to find the first card that I actually need for my set (either the base set OR any of the insert sets that I'm working on).  Let's hope we have better luck with this pack.

Pack 3:
50.  Olorotitan

98.  Zuniceratops

112.  Shonisaurus

3D Dinosaurs:  34.  Elasmosaurus

First, let's celebrate for just a moment - I finally got a card I needed!  Actually, I ended up with two cards I needed.  The Shonisaurus is part of the High Series Sea Creatures Short Prints and it was one that I was missing.  Even better, the Elasmosaurus 3D card is part of the Marine subset which is quite rare (seeded 1:50 packs).  It's awesome to be able to track one of those cards down via packs (I only own two of them now).

I'll admit, I was feeling quite bummed through the first pair of packs but Pack #3 helped raise my spirits.  Let's hope the rest of the box is more like this pack and less like the first two packs.  Heck, I'll even forgive the fact that this pack only included four cards rather than the promised five cards according to the pack wrapper!


  1. I love seeing these when you post them. UD did such a great job with the artwork here.

  2. Nice. Probably the inclusion of the 3-D card is what caused the pack to be short-carded a card.

  3. I really enjoyed this product as well. I opened a box

  4. That 3D Elasmosaurus is sweet!


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