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Delivery Time! Arpsmith Knocks Out Much of My Archives

About a day or two ago, I received a couple of packages of baseball cards in the mail.  The largest, by far, was the package from Adam (aka Arpsmith) who sent along about 50 2017 Topps Archives cards that I needed for my set.

In my humble opinion, the 1992 card design was the best of the three designs in the '17 Topps Archives set.  I feel like the images are true to the original set (in terms of style and flair) AND they are some of the best photographs in the entire set.  That Eaton card is a perfect example of why I like that grouping of cards better than any other.

In addition to all of the Archives goodies, Adam also included a smattering of assorted Reds fo rme including that awesome Bip Roberts that I don't think I've ever seen before.  That image is even better than the Eaton at the top of the post.

Many, many thanks for the great cards and trade, Adam.  I'd also be remiss if I didn't show off at least one of the Larkins sent my way since I'm always looking to add to my Barry Larkin Collection.

Thanks for the swap - and Merry Christmas to all of you out there.  I don't expect there will be a ton of blogosphere activity over the next 48 hours or so but for those that checked out this post, thank you!
