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2000 Fleer Tradition: Packs 25 & 26: How Many Cards are Needed for a Box to Feel Full to You?

I'm still enjoying (slowly) ripping through my Christmas box of 2000 Fleer Tradition.  Despite only getting a single box of baseball cards for Christmas, having that box include 36 packs means it certainly feels like I got a lot of baseball goodies for the holiday.  There's definitely something to be said for a hefty box of cards...something that I find lacking in a lot of modern products (for me, Allen & Ginter is about the "lightest" box of cards that I consider to be full).

Anyhow, enough of that rambling, let's get to the cards.  Here are the next two packs.

Pack 25:
16.  Calvin Pickering & Matt Riley

26.  Juan Gonzalez
46.  Mark Grudzielanek
63.  Fernando Vina
193.  Butch Huskey
232.  Mike Mussina

293.  Boston Red Sox
306.  Roberto Alomar
446.  NLCS
Dividends:  4.  Chipper Jones

Not a bad pack - two more new cards for my set makes me happy.

Pack 26:
28.  Trevor Hoffman
36.  Derek Bell
135.  Brad Radke
137.  Kris Benson
296.  Shawn Estes
327.  Pokey Reese
373.  Jose Offerman
436.  Scott Williamson
443.  ALCS
Who to Watch:  12.  Jeff DaVanon

I guess in a 36 pack box, not every pack will be a winner.  There wasn't a single card that I needed out of today's second pack...but at least the first pack kept me basically on pace by providing me with a pair of new cards.  There aren't too many more packs remaining in the box...and the question still remains:  Will I or won't I finish off my base set?!

Total cards needed from the box (so far):  31
