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2018 Gypsy Queen: The End of Box #2 (and the Final Autograph)

This is it, the final four packs of 2018 Gypsy Queen that I plan to open up.  We still have our final promised hit to go so at least there's the chance of something cool to end this adventure.

Box 2:  Packs 20 - 24:

The final four packs didn't disappoint, which is nice.  For starters, I got yet another Fortune Teller card (thematic, yes, but not overly interesting to me).

The insert set that I do think I'll chase is the Tarot of the Diamond cards - and luckily for me, I landed another one in the final pack I ripped.

Those cards are pretty cool...and I think it'd be great to have the full set in a binder someday.

And finally, the last hit from Gypsy Queen (and happily for me, it's not a Twins' card).

While that auto may appear to be "okay" at the moment, it gets better if you flip the card over.

Yep, that's a 1:668 pack Bazooka back autograph numbered 16/25.  Very, very cool - and even better that it's a decent player (with a great looking signature).

That does it for Gypsy Queen for me.  Soon, I'll get a want list (and a trade bait list) together.  Thanks for joining me on my box ripping adventures!


  1. That's a pretty sweet autograph. Congrats!

  2. Awesome Kimbrel auto - congrats!

  3. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That's brilliant!!! You keeping it? Trading it? EBaying it? If you're not keeping it, I'd love a shot at it.


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