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Delivery Time! Great Cards from Remember the Astrodome!

A couple of days ago, I mentioned that one of my big goals is to clean off my desk where my laptop sits.  I still have a huge mess on the desk...including all but 3 packs of my Gint-a-Cuffs box (3 more packs to scan and post), my Panini Donruss cards, my Gypsy Queen cards, and a bunch of Trade Stack card bait.  I also have some envelopes from recent trades sitting on my desk - and at least those I can start to clear off by opening them and giving credit to the sender (and in some cases, building my own return package for someone)!

Today, I have a great envelope filled with goodies from Marc over at Remember the Astrodome.  Marc sent me a whole lot of goodies including some more 2018 Allen & Ginter minis.

The largest group of minis were the four Exotic Sports retail only minis.  With the four cards above, I should be getting fairly close to completing this set (and hopefully by the time you get to read this post I'll have my full Allen & Ginter want list updated on my blog).

The next largest stack of minis was three from the Indigenous Heroes set.

The Indigenous Heroes set is the largest of the mini sets this year, but luckily, it's also the easiest set to find in packs.  I don't love this set as much as a lot of people do but I still think it's a fine showing by Topps (and it fits perfectly within the brand).  Of the three subjects that Marc sent my way, I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I've only ever heard of Sitting Bull.

Finally, Marc sent along two single minis from two different sets - a Postage Required and a World's Hottest Peppers card.

I grew a bunch of hot peppers in my garden this year - and for whatever reason, they all ended up SUPER hot.  It's not just me saying that either...I cooked up some hot sausages with the peppers on the grill a couple of weeks ago for some friends who love spicy foods.  By the end of the sandwich, everyone's brow was perspiring and much liquid was being consumed!
Peppers and sausages on the grill (along with burgers for those who don't care for spicy foods)

Moving on to the rest of the trade package (and yes, we aren't done yet)...Marc included some Barry Larkin cards for me including a three new ones for my collection.

The Fleer Tradition card is a parallel (always appreciated since I have relatively few Larkin parallels) while the other two Larkins are both from 2018 sets that I didn't buy any cards from yet (and I won't so long as I don't have my desk cleared off)!

Thanks for the awesome trade, Marc!  I hope that by now you've received my return package.  As for anyone else, if you'd like to trade be sure to check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. I did indeed get the cards! Thanks so much. I’m always more than happy to help you out.


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