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The Quest for 35!

Delivery Time! Trade Stack Success Thanks to Baseball Card Breakdown

It's finally Friday - week two of the semester is almost complete and thank goodness!  It sure does take me a couple of weeks to get back into the flow of things...and this year I have to be up and at 'em even earlier so that I can drop off my little guy at his grandmother's house for the day (thank goodness for family close by to watch him though).

To keep with the theme of celebrating, I'm recently celebrating a trade with Gavin over at Baseball Card Breakdown.  Gavin claimed one of my Trade Stacks and in return hit me up with a pair of 2018 Ginter minis.

I still want all the mini inserts I can get my hands on - and with cards like "zorbing" how could you not?!

Believe it or not, I had the chance to do this once while in New Zealand but I chose not to (it was crazy expensive to basically roll down a hill).  Still, it was admittedly fun to watch for a bit.

Thanks for the trade Gavin!  As for anyone else, if you'd like to trade be sure to check out my want list and make an offer.


  1. Oh man, I don't know what we would do without the grandparents close by. I would have gone certifiably crazy after the first few months. Keep in there! It's about to get insanely fun, if no less tiring.

  2. I've always wanted to go zorbing, but in my older age, developed some motion sickness, so it's probably off the table these days. Pretty cool insert set, though


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