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Whittling the Want List Some More: Another Set Bites the (Prehistoric) Dust!

One of my 2019 Blog Resolutions was to whittle down my want list to a much more manageable number of sets to work on (i.e. some number less than 100, still quite crazy when you think about it).  Anyhow, I've been hard at work trying to make that goal a reality - and today I get a tiny bit closer since I was able to finish off one more set:  my 2015 Upper Deck Dinosaurs 3-D Lenticular insert set.

I needed three final cards from the set - all super short prints from the flying portion of the set (seeded a crazy 1:150 hobby packs each)!  Luckily for me, I found all three for sale on eBay and decided to bite the proverbial bullet and nab all of the fliers.

In order, I got card #40:  Dimorphodon.

As you are probably aware if you've been reading my blog this year, my wife and I have a young baby (9 months old now)!  What you may not know is that apparently dinosaurs are a very "in" thing right now for babies.  If you go to Target or a similar store, you'll find tons of adorable dinosaur outfits for babies.  This works out great for me since I still like dinosaurs...but for my wife, it means I get to constantly quiz her on what certain dinosaurs are.  For the longest time she thought Dimetrodon was a flying dinosaur (that's the guy with the big sail on his back, definitely not a flier).  I hate to mention to her that there's a dinosaur called Dimorphodon who does actually fly.  That seems kind mean, no?

#41.  Pterodactyl

Speaking of my son, I've been trying (in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way) to get him to say Pterodactyl as his first word.  Any baby can start with "mama" or "dada" but starting out with Pterodactyl?  Now that'd be impressive.

I'd be remiss if I didn't show off the backside of at least one of the 3-D cards as well. 

I love the information contained in the insert set.  Also, it's worth noting that Pterodactyl was quite small but Pteranodon was quite large.  Don't get those confused if you end up in prehistoric times!

#42:  Quetzalcoatlus

20 feet long, 30 foot wing span and 200-300 lbs.  That'd be a terrifying sight to see flying right at you, no?  I love the 3D effect on this one a lot too - pretty cool with the mountains in the background.

The 2015 Upper Deck Dinosaur set definitely goes down as one of my all-time favorite sets.  Oh sure, UD tried to kill it with a terrible idea of short prints and super short prints but luckily prices never really took off and so the entire set is still mostly affordable.  I haven't (quite) finished off the base set but hopefully I will before the end of 2019.  After all, I still have a bunch more sets that I need to eliminate from my want list one way or another!


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    These are awesome cards! I'm glad dinosaurs are trending again. Hopefully your son will enjoy them as much as you do.


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