Barry Larkin
Year: 1993
Brand: Pacific (Spanish)
Card number: 84
I'm a huge fan of late 90s and early 00s Pacific cards but generally speaking I don't much care for the early 90s stuff from the brand. That being said, this card is actually fairly well designed and kind of neat, even if it does have a bit of a "homemade" feel to it.
The front of the card features a slightly different action shot of Larkin batting - it appears he is way out ahead of a changeup in the photograph. The backside of the card show Larkin in the field taking a throw at second in a nice little action shot. My four years of Spanish (taken in combination at both high school and college) completely fail me here when trying to read the blurb on the back but I guess that's forgivable since I'm 10+ years removed from college now!
All things told, this is a fun addition to my Larkin binder - I wouldn't want every card to be impossible for me to read at a glance but having a few foreign language cards is kind of neat. Good stuff, Pacific!
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