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Bichette a Brewer? Gibson a Royal? Why Do I Not Remember these Things?

Today is the final Monday of the spring semester for me.  This week is final exam week - and I don't give my finals until the end of the week which means I got to stay home today!  No better way to celebrate the end of the semester than by opening up more baseball cards, am I right?!

The 1992 Upper Deck box has been a fun rip though the amount of duplicates (both within the box and within individual packs) is a bit worrisome for someone who is hoping to collect the full set.  Also worrisome is the fact that I have yet to find a card numbered 1 - 49 in the box.  I can't possibly explain why that is!

Let's see what happens with the next three packs.

Pack 10:

I like this Darren Lewis card quite a bit, which is a good thing I guess since Pack 10 had two copies of the card in it.

Pack 11:

I don't think I actually knew that Dante Bichette was a Brewer at some point in his career.  I have no recollection of his time in Milwaukee!

Pack 12:

Pack 12 had another one of the Ted Williams Baseball Heroes cards which is cool I guess, but the real star of the pack has to be this Kirk Gibson (as a Royal?!) shattering his bat.

Collation issues aside, I'm enjoying my journey through the box of 1992 Upper Deck.  I will promise, however, to post things besides '92 Upper Deck on the blog over the next week or so!


  1. Any idea which ballpark Darren Lewis is in? I wonder if that's Muni Stadium in San Jose.

  2. I can honestly say I have no recollection of Bichette until he was a Rookie.


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